LGBTQIA+ Youth & Mental Health

Oscar Beltran Leyva | Youth Peer at Catholic Community Services
Tammy Pham | Student at Mountain View High School
Monserrat Padilla | Board Member of Somos, Seattle
Ezekiel Patterson | Student in Vancouver, WA

LGBTQIA+ Youth & Mental Health

Juventud LGBTQIA+ Y Salud Mental

  • LGBTQIA+ youth are more likely to experience mental health concerns, inlcuding suicide and self harm due to stigma, trauma, and inadequate mental healthcare. In this session we’ll hear personal stories from local youth regarding their experiences with mental health and accessing care. We’ll also learn about the opportunities to take action to support young people who are navigating their identities and working for their rights.

  • • Support inclusive LGBTQIA+ curriculum & comprehensive sex ed in schools

    • Vote for people who are working for LGBTQIA+ rights

    • Volunteer and donate to Triple Point

    • Support SB 5397 and SB 5209

  • Responses to questions posted in the chat

    Follow up Q&A with Tammy & Zeke

    • Further details on supporting LGBTQIA+ Youth:

    – Become advocates for LGBTQIA+ inclusive sex education & history in schools, community settings, and online
    – Ensure that school is a safe and accepting space for LGBTQIA+ students
    – Talk to your own children and teens about sex and sexuality resources including Scarleteen and Sex Positive Families
    – Work to remove state-level and policy barriers to LGBTQIA+ inclusive sex education and history and to require inclusive programs

    No More Closets Report from United We Dream

    • Local Washington Organizations:

    Pride Foundation
    Queer Youth Resource Center
    NAMI Southwest Washington Youth Resources

    • National Organizations

    Trevor Project
    Transgender Partners
    Human Rights Campaign

    • As we work to create more equitable communities, it is important to ground ourselves emotionally, energetically, and physically.

    You can build on your own practice with the meditation we shared at the event.


Racism as a Public Health Crisis


The Science & Story of Unconscious Bias