The Science & Story of Unconscious Bias

Yaser Carrasco, BA | Community Member
Oscar Ureno, PsyD | Clinical Psychologist
Octaviano Merecias-Cuevas MBT, HETC, MA | Founder,

"The Science & Story of Unconscious Bias"

"La Ciencia Y La Historia Del Sesgo Inconsciente"

  • Learn about the neuroscience of unconscious bias, it’s impacts on interpersonal dynamics because of race and racism, and hear reflections of this impact to people forming new communities in the US.

  • • Development of antiracism racism and training opportunities: Personal, Interpersonal, Structural, Systemic

    • As providers of a diversity of services, what can you do to confront bias against immigrants?

    • What information about the community you serve is important for you to know? For example, what are the reasons for your community members to leave their country of origin? What are the reasons for coming to another country?

    • What can we, as a community, do to welcome those


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