Racism as a Public Health Crisis

Diana Avalos-Leos| Founder/Ex. Director Clark County Latino Youth Leadership
Sarah Assem, MD | MD, Internist, Vancouver Clinic
Adriana Linares, MD, Dr.PH | Associate Program Director for Clinical Affairs, PeaceHealth Family Medicine SW
Adiba M. Ali, MPH | Epidemiologist, Clark County Public Health Department

Racism as a Public Health Crisis

El Racismo Como Una Crisis De Salud Publica

  • The COVID-19 pandemic has unequally affected many racial and ethnic minority groups. During this session, panelist will discuss their observations about this pandemic in the Southwest Washington. They will share current data about the inequities in testing, vaccinations, hospitalizations and deaths based on diversity demographics as well as their experiences for providing care for these diverse communities.

    Panelists will explore the factors impacting health equity such as discrimination, healthcare access and use, housing, occupation, education, income and wealth gaps. Previous mistreatment and other experiences of racism lead to chronic stress that has negative physical and behavioral health outcomes. Across the country, local and state leaders are declaring racism a public health crisis or emergency. These declarations are an important first step in the movement to advance racial equity and justice and must be followed by allocation of resources and strategic action. During this session, panelist will discuss what strategic action would bring positive outcomes in our region.

  • • Learn about social determinates of health in Clark County, and explore how they are interconnected with your work, and the communities you serve. 2019 Community Needs Health Assessment

    • Visit the Healthier Clark County Info Map

    • Volunteer! Donate! Advocate!

  • • Check out the Slide Deck from the July 30 event

    • For more on the history of racism in healthcare, check out the 1619 Podcast, Episode 4: “How the Bad Blood Started” or search your podcast provider.


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